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Portal community
Adhesion gel, Schrödinger cubes, the paint gun and colored lasers are just a few of the new testing elements available in Portal 2: Community Edition. Many of Portal 2's existing testing elements have been enhanced with new features and bug fixes.
Portal 2: Community Edition is powered by Strata Source, a modernized fork of the Source Engine. Strata Source is the basis for multiple projects and includes a huge variety of features, improvements and bug fixes. Notable features include a DirectX 11 renderer, massively expanded map limits, backwards compatibility with Half-Life 2/Team Fortress 2 assets, and a modernized Hammer level editor.
Using Panorama, Source 2's UI framework, we've rebuilt Portal 2's UI from the ground up with one thing in mind: user generated content! Panorama's flexibility will allow modders to create their own beautiful, highly responsive UIs with minimal friction, all while our main menu highlights quality content made by the community.
We've been hard at work fixing hundreds of bugs and adding countless new features. Check out our changelogs to see what we've been up to!